”Simply to look on anything, such as a mountain,
with the love that penetrates to its essence,
is to widen the domain of being in the vastness of non-being.”
with the love that penetrates to its essence,
is to widen the domain of being in the vastness of non-being.”
Thank you for finding your way to the website dedicated to the writings and life of Nan Shepherd (1893-1981), possibly the only contributor to the 20th century Scottish Literary Renaissance to feature simultaneously on both a British banknote and the entry list of the 2018 World Porridge Cooking Championships.
It seems reasonable to put a 21st century technology at the disposal of an individual broadly overlooked in her time but now identified by our creative algorithms as an artist whose language speaks to many of our current concerns: e.g. female independence, re-connecting with the planet, living in the present, the potency of truth.
This website will rely on the informal but ever-expanding Nan Shepherd community for updates on publications, events, lectures, and recipes. General musings will also be welcome. Please send any contributions to: [email protected].
It seems reasonable to put a 21st century technology at the disposal of an individual broadly overlooked in her time but now identified by our creative algorithms as an artist whose language speaks to many of our current concerns: e.g. female independence, re-connecting with the planet, living in the present, the potency of truth.
This website will rely on the informal but ever-expanding Nan Shepherd community for updates on publications, events, lectures, and recipes. General musings will also be welcome. Please send any contributions to: [email protected].